How to setup Pinia in Nuxt 3



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Table of Contents

Set up

npm i @pinia/nuxt pinia

Add Pinia to your nuxt.config file

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  buildModules: ['@pinia/nuxt'],

Create a store module

Create a folder called stores and then add your store there , in this case auth.ts:

import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

export const useAuthStore = defineStore('auth', {
    state: () => ({
        user: null,

    getters: {
        isLoggedIn: (state) => !!state.user

    actions: {
        async initAuth() {
            let user = this.user

            if (!user) {
                const response = await $fetch('/api/user')
                user = response.user


        async login (payload) {
            // some login logic

        async register (payload) {
            // some register logic

        async logOut() {

        updateUser(payload) {
            this.user = payload


This is how a basic store that handles the authentication would like.

Use the module.

Now let's use the newly created store module in our vue component

  <div>{{ isLoggedIn }}</div>

<script setup>
  import { useAuthStore } from "~~/stores/auth";

  const authStore = useAuthStore();

  // Accessing getters and state
  const { user, isLoggedIn } = storeToRefs(authStore);

  await authStore.initAuth();


It's super easy to install and use Pinia in Nuxt 3.

Pinia is the next generation of store management for Vue, and I personally use it over Vuex